Eye-Fi the SD Card that Rocks!
Recently I bought a new DSLR Nikon D3100 and needed a new SD Card since my old camera was a Sony, which took the Memory Stick Pro Duos. I have been checking out the Eye-Fi SD Cards for while but …
Recently I bought a new DSLR Nikon D3100 and needed a new SD Card since my old camera was a Sony, which took the Memory Stick Pro Duos. I have been checking out the Eye-Fi SD Cards for while but …
Postagram seems to be all over the twitter: Read my blog “Will Postagram app help build Instagram users?” Another service that is testing the market related to Instagram is Stickgram http://stickygram.com/ . Stickygram says on their site “We print your favourite …
Have you found or read about the new Postagram app on iPhone? It makes it easy to send a printed Instagram photo in the mail to yourself, friends or family anywhere in the world – Think Postcard from anywhere! How …
Remember as a kid how cool it was to have a walkie talkie to talk with you friends? In early 2000’s Nextel was all the rage for a grownup version of the walkie talkie. Now it’s the iPhone turn with …
Sure you could you live without your mobile devices but why would you want to? I’ll admit it, I’m addicted to my iPhone but in a good way. I have had an iPhone from the early stages and don’t think …
STEMtech Continued Review – The adventures of Professor Josh at STEMtech 2010 (Don’t think I’ll get a movie deal out of this) The session Avoid Death by Lecture: Wake’em and Shake’em with Technology was one of my first sessions of …