Unconference BarCamp Orlando Starts Off Orlando Tech Week
![Unconference BarCamp Orlando Starts Off Orlando Tech Week](https://i0.wp.com/professorjosh.com/wp-content/uploads/2014/08/BarCamp-Orlando-2014.png?fit=624%2C524&ssl=1)
We have all attended regular conferences with planned out sessions and high priced fees. Let’s throw that out the window for a FREE unconference called BarCamp Orlando. BarCamp Orlando is an annual community-building event which aims to bring people from different backgrounds together for cooperative learning. Technologies such as Ruby, PHP, Java and C could be presented alongside graphic design, music, photography, and other new media.
BarCamp Orlando will be starting off Orlando Tech Week in Downtown Orlando, at venues such as Cheyenne Saloon, Orchid Garden, and Poker Room. The event will be on Saturday September 27, 2014 from 10:00 a.m. until 5:00 p.m. Arrive by 9:30 a.m. if you plan on giving a talk to get a spot.
I’ve attended the last four BarCamp Orlando events and always walk away with learning something new, meeting someone new, and sharing something awesome. Take a peak at BarCamp Orlando 2013 in this video.
Learn more about it from Code School’s Gregg Pollack and his buffalo friend.
Session formats are usually 25 minute talks with 5 minutes for discussion and questions. Don’t forget your adapters mac users. Don’t plan on having wi-fi available. Plan to make sure you give some great takeaways or provide some great discussion. You don’t have to be a tech geek to enjoy BarCamp.
Make sure your register now and get their early to get a t-shirt and place your name on the schedule to talk about something awesome. http://barcamporlando.org/
What do you think I should talk about this year?
They always try to provide free T-shirts and lunch to all attendees, but can only do so with assistance from sponsors. Looking to be a sponsor? Contact them today! Hope to see you there. Don’t forget to say hi!
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