Trucks and Tech II #Trucktoberfest Sketch and Photos

Trucks and Tech II returned to Orlando on Thursday, October 17, 2013 for another great night of food trucks, tech talks, and networking. This event brought forth a Octoberfest theme with Trucktoberfest. Plastic boot cups filled with beer, German chocolate cupcakes, and many more Octoberfest themed items being offered by the various food trucks.
Mmmm Melissa’s Chicken and Waffles!
The Trucks and Tech Boot!
Dixieland Diner was a new truck on the scene!
Shipyard provide some brew for the boots!
Buffalo Chicken Waffle is one of my favorites from Melissa’s Chicken and Waffles
Various attendee had a chance to try on Google Glass, thanks to Jen and myself.
A giant bumble bee won the costume contest!
Food and friends always brings the community together!
It was a great evening in Lake Eola for this event.
Soup to Nuts provide some unique tasty bites for the techies.
Lots of a great food to choose from at this event.
The Yum Yum Cupcake Truck provide a special German Chocolate Cake Cupcake.
Lots of great digital communities leaders came out to speak about what’s happening in Orlando.
Can’t wait for the next one!
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