Startup Weekend EDU: Inspiring Innovation
About a month ago I participated as a mentor in Startup Weekend EDU in Orlando. Startup Weekend EDU is an intense 54 hour event which focuses on building a web or mobile EDU application which could form the basis of a credible business over the course of a weekend. The weekend brings together people with different skillsets – primarily educators, software developers, graphics designers and business people – to build applications and develop a commercial case around them.
Watch this great documentary style video by FilmScape Production on this weekend and the concept of Startup Weekend EDU.
Lots of great ideas were pitched on Friday night but only a few could be formed into teams for the weekend.
- Fre
elanceship – Help all people get internships
- Winning our clean green future – Improve greening of schools nationwide
- Modication – Motivation through education lockdown
- Beyond School – Extended day school tech teaching for kids and application
- Aspire – Online Student Retention data analysis
- Why did it go – Why did it go out of business, learn from failures
This might have been one of the smaller Startup Weekends but it was the same great experience of developing a real world taste of entrepreneurship, networking, growing, and learning. I would love to see more students evolved in this type of event. Interested? Put November 9-11, 2012 on your calender.
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