Gadgets & Gizmos: Driinn it’s a Phone Thing
I’m a tech geek. No surprise right? I love finding new gadgets and gizmos that are different, help solve life’s little problems, and are just cool. Hence, I’m always addicted to looking through SkyMall while flying. This time I found a simple but nifty new gizmos at the Carnegie Science Center in Pittsburgh.
Do you ever need to plug in your phone while traveling, at a conference, or even on the kitchen counter?
Don’t you hate having to leaving you cord plugged into and your phone laying on the floor with your cord waiting for someone to trip on it. Thus sending you phone flying in the air across the room.
This little gizmo from might help solve you dilemma.
Not nearly as exciting as that was the mini plunger that you use to hold up your iphone while looking at photos.