Facebook Timeline Coming to Pages Soon: Preview Mine

If you are an administrator of a Facebook Page it’s time to preview the new timeline view for pages. Only current admins can see this preview as you get your page prepared for the automatic release of the new timeline on March 30, 2012. You can publish your page now, if you feel ready to make the leap. Until you publish your page with the new design you are able to view the old design any time.

The first step will be to add a new cover photo. I decided to build a cover photo in Photoshop using a 851 pixel x 315 pixel canvas.

Example of the new timeline with my new cover photo.

Facebook Timeline Pages Cover Photo Professor Josh

Other updates include the how tabs display, spotlight features in timeline, all in one admin panel, and message for pages.

Photos, Likes, and Apps (formally known as tabs)

Facebook Timeline Pages Tabs Updates

Photos will be shown in the first space, but you can change the order of everything else. The maximum number of apps on a page is 12.

Timeline Spot

Facebook Timeline Pages Spotlight Update

Using the star icon in the corner of a posting on your timeline, you have the ability to spotlight that posting on your page. This could be great to spotlight key content, such as important videos, deals, or posting.

Admin Panel

Facebook Timeline Pages Admin Panel Update

The admin panel has been revised to have a quick overview of all the important things, such as notification, new likes, and insights. Also notice the latest update to Facebook, messages in the top right corner.

Page Messages

Facebook Timeline Pages Messages Update

Finally people have a way to privately contact you using messages. This will be a great feature for those that don’t utilize email a lot or have private/personal question they will need to answer on their page.

Now it’s time for you to “LIKE” my page and sample what a published updated page on Facebook is like: https://www.facebook.com/ProfessorJosh

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